Jeff's tire goes flat AGAIN so we bring it to a tire shop and find another nail. that makes 5 flats in 3 days. As the tire is getting fixed Shane and I go explore some trails down in the river bed and do some mud bog hill climbs
We saw a really nice long beach on our way into town so once the bike was fixed we backtracked and rode out onto the beach. There were tons of quads and lots of off road trails.
I slowed down and stopped to talk to some locals unexpectedly and Shane couldn't stop in time and hit me from the back. It was not bad for me but Shane's foot got caught in between my foot peg and railed his foot hard. He took off his boot and yep its broken. You could see the bone poking into the skin. No bueno at all. He kept optimistic and barely complained at all and we took off down the beach. The sand got pretty deep and were super squirlly all over the place. The river met with the ocean so we had to cross it. I stopped to assess the situation but Shane just charged it full speed and got completely soaked. Jeff and I went next and got wet as well.
We get back on the road south towards Playa Azul. Stop at a place to eat and watch some exotic birds and get info on what animals are in the area from a young waitress who wont stop staring at us and giggling. This seems to happen all the time and I'm not sure if they are making fun of us or flirting.
Here is where things go bad. I am in the lead and go around a sharp corner at about 40 mph and hit a oil slick mid turn, Instantly I slide out and hit the pavement. As I'm sliding on my side and stomach I can feel my skin being torn off so I roll over onto my butt where i have thicker pants and slide another 20 or so feet. My bike hits the guard rail and I stand up mid slide and run off the road. Mind you im not wearing a shirt so there is nothing between me and the pavement. The whole thing happened so fast but it felt like time slowed down and I had alot of time to think.
For a second I think I'm OK besides road rash and then my arm starts really hurting and I cant move it. I'm am pretty much writhing in pain and don't even want to look at my shoulder in fear of what I will see. I look down at my left shoulder and it is completely out of the socket and my shoulder bone is sticking out about 3 inches past my arm. Shit this not good I think I broke it. I then think its just dislocated badly. I've seen in movies how they pop them back into place with a lot of force and pain but it is hurting so bad i am willing to try anything.
Shane braces against my arm and I grit my teeth and get ready for him to yank on it hoping for the best. 1....2....3 GO! Owwwwww fuck that hurt and it didn't do anything.
We try again this time slower and its just brutal and not working at all. OK i need to get to a hospital or something, but we are in the middle of nowhere. I lay on the ground trying to find the only position to keep my arm in as to not have excruciating pain. Meanwhile Jeff tries to flag down some cars to give me a ride to the hospital and Shane hides my bike in the woods and covers it in branches planning to keep it there over night.
A police shows up and flags down a big semi truck who happens to have a open trailer and is willing to drive us way out of his ways to the hospital with me and my bike. This guy is my hero. They load the bike in the truck and take off not knowing where or how far we are going as the driver speaks no English
He has to stop about 6 times to ask for directions. I am leaving blood stains all over his truck. About a hour down the road we stop at a guys house who is a doctor and speaks English. Really nice guy and he looks at the injury and tells me its dislocated and not broken, that's a huge relief. He says I need to get to the hospital though because he does not have strong enough drugs for when they pull my arm back into the socket. In the mean time he hooks me up with some sort of pain killer shot in my arm free of charge to help until I reach the hospital. People in Mexico are so nice and really have been going out of their way the whole trip to help us. I give the driver $150 for his troubles which I feel is 110% worth it, I don't know what I would of done without him
Arrive at the hospital, Jeff and the driver unload my bike and Shane and I limp inside. There are at least 30 people waiting in line outside but they let us in first I guess cause they could see my arm was really fucked up. I go inside fill out no paperwork or even give our name at they and they look me over and take us to the X ray room. Get 2 X-Rays and they tell me its not fractured and are going to have to yank it back into place after they give me a sedative. All the doctors are laughing and making jokes, cool guys as well. I lay down on the bed and get a shot in my ass. 15 minutes later they come back and and say "listo?" (ready?) I'm like no no the shot didn't do anything it hurts more now. Oh well they are going for it anyway. About 5 doctors grab my arm and move it around into different positions and then all pull on it hard. It hurts a lot and then makes a audible pop and moves back to its normal position. The pain instantly goes away and it was basically orgasmic. ha.
Wow I feel great now this is amazing. They wrap my arm in gauze and give a prescription for pain meds and anti inflammatory.
^^^ On the right you can see how out of place my shoulder is compared to the end of my shoulder bone
I go to pay expecting like a $500 bill, nope $25 for everything, that's crazy. I need to get hurt in Mexico more often. The doctors were all awesome I gave them a tip.
Shane and Jeff ride my bike back to the hotel and I walk to the Farmicia and then to the hotel. What a freakin day. We are going to need alot of recovery time and have to fix my bike so I'm not sure what our plan is from here but to just relax and recover. We are in good spirits though and the trip will go on :)
wow, what a day! i'm loving the blog. I hope your arm heals up nicely and you don't rush it too hard. from the trucker picking you up and getting lost and stopping by his buddy the doc's house, to the 25 dollar fee for the hospital, it is all so Mexico and I love it!
ReplyDeleteWoah! I have just read through your blog and am totally hooked. Picked up on it from Luke's link on Hope the repair work on the motorcycle goes well and you have good weather for shoulder recovery. How is Shane's ankle?
ReplyDeleteChris, dude thats nuts! im happy you didn't kill youself. Keep doing it big for us losers here in chicago sitting in an office reading about your adventure. take care, keep writting, were reading.