Jeff found a motorcycle shop right by our hotel and picked up a spare tube to fix his tire. Shane also bought a really nice new front tire. They had the same tire front and rear for my bike for a good price and I really contemplated ditching my almost brand new dirt tire for these hybrid tires as they looked like they would last the rest of the trip instead of me going through 8 or more full dirt tires. I decided to pass though. Shane and Jeff dropped off their bikes at the shop and we walked around the beach and town.
A thick cloud cover had blanketed the city which was really nice because it was a extremely hot day. I went and got a much needed $4 haircut at a local place while the guys dealt with their bikes. Spent most of the day just lounging around and went out to get food downtown once it got dark. Taco's and beer, yes sir.
Afterwards we go to our little billiard spot from the night before and play a couple games of pool and sample some fine tequila.
Afterwards we go down to the Malacon which is the main part of town on the beach and go into "The Zoo" bar and watch drunk white girls dance on tables just like it said in our guide book, haha. The girls from the night before show up and we hang out for a bit until Shane gets us to leave. We had read earlier that Puerto Vallarta was the transvestite capital of Mexico and they had Tanny shows where they come out on stage and sing and get judged like on American Idol. We have to see this.
Shane finds the place like he has been there before and we walk into the craziest, weirdest scene ever. The place is packed like a stadium gathered around a main stage and there is a Transvestite lip syncing and dancing to Brittany Spears. Its was quite a scene to behold, I was pretty much awe struck and didn't know what to think.
We walk around to get a better view and everyone is staring at us like we are the only strait people in the place, which we were. The next act a 400 pound drag queen comes bursting out of the curtains with tons enthusiasm and flamboyancy. Ive never seen such a fat person move around so fast. The only word I can come up with to explain how I felt at this moment in time is completely baffled.
Jeff is super out of it and we can tell he is not comfortable with what is going on so we send him home. Later Shane and I decide that we need photographic proof we were there so we get a pictures with one of the trannys.
Awesome my life is complete now and shane and I go back to the hotel and go to bed.
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